Want to become an ESG pioneer?
Investors and housing associations are invited to express interest in becoming “early adopters” of the ESG reporting standard which was published in a draft white paper in May. This reporting standard is currently being finalised in a bid to unlock significant investment into the social housing sector.
This is an exciting opportunity for your organisation to be among a small group of pioneers in what is believed to be the first ESG reporting standard to have widespread adoption in a sector in the UK. By establishing a credible, meaningful and comparable set of ESG criteria, it is hoped the sector can deliver an approach to ESG reporting which can be adopted by key stakeholders, including lenders, investors, regulatory bodies and government.
We are currently asking organisations to express interest in being early adopters. The below timeline highlights the next steps before we require commitment to becoming an early adopter:
- The Good Economy to email all potential early adopters to confirm their expression of interest – 11th September 2020
- Final version of ESG themes and criteria shared with potential early adopters – October 2020
- Group call with potential early adopters – October 2020
- Deadline to commit to being an early adopter – Mid-October 2020 or other agreed deadline
- List of early adopters published in the final White Paper – target publication date end October 2020.
The expectations of what it means to be an early adopter will be discussed and confirmed with this group. However, our working early adopter commitment statement is shared below:
Expectations for Housing Associations/RPs
- Committing to reporting against the final version of the ESG reporting standard on an annual basis
- Publicly supporting the ESG reporting standard by being listed as an early adopter in the final version of the White Paper.
Expectations for Lenders/Investors
- Committing to using the final version of the ESG reporting standard in your investment/credit appraisal process, while recognising there may be additional information requests or metrics you require
- Publicly supporting the ESG reporting standard by being listed as an early adopter in the final version of the White Paper.
If would like further information or would like to express an interest in becoming an early adopter, please email me directly at sarah@thegoodeconomy.co.uk. For further information about the ESG Social Housing Working Group, please visit the dedicated website here.