Place-Based Impact Investing(PBII) Network

Developing Place-Based Impact Together

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PBII Network

The Good Economy, the Institute for Economic Development and the Impact Investing Institute have launched a leading-edge Place-Based Impact Investing (PBII)  Network. This pioneering collaboration between local authorities and institutional investors builds on the findings and conceptual model of PBII presented the landmark 2021 White Paper Scaling Up Institutional Investment for Place-Based Impact.

The UK’s investment challenges have become a cause for concern across the economy, public services and the environment. To meet these challenges, institutional capital must become a positive driver of change. This means paving the way for private capital to step up, work with local stakeholders and deliver place-based social and environmental impact everywhere in the country. Driven by the success of the PBII Innovation Labs, our ambition for the PBII Network is to make this scenario a reality.

Interested in becoming a PBII Network Member?


The overarching objective of the PBII Network is to create a trusted environment where local authorities and specialist investment managers can meet for knowledge sharing, mutual learning and the development of innovative financing solutions to scale-up institutional investment as a force for good in helping places across the UK achieve local economic resilience, prosperity and sustainable development.

The Place-Based Impact Investing Network acts as a knowledge community to catalyse the diffusion of innovative PBII approaches and provide a voice for local government and private investors to influence market and policy developments.


The PBII Network brings together a group of local and combined authorities and progressive investors who share a commitment to scaling-up PBII:

Local and Combined Authorities

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