TGE director Mark Hepworth scoops “best blog” award for exploring the next economic wave
Mark Hepworth, co-founder and director of The Good Economy, has won nthe “best blog” in Pensions for Purpose’s 2020 content awards.
Published during the UK’s first lockdown in early June 2020, the nblog used long-wave economic theory to show we could be on the cusp of nthe 6thnKondratieff Wave of capitalist development – a 50-60 year future of ngrowth and transformation brought about by healthcare and climate changen innovations.
Karen Shackleton, founder and director of Pensions nfor Purpose, said: “This is our third year of celebrating excellence in ncontent on our platform. With over 175 entries, there was some stiff ncompetition and this reflects the strength of The Good Economy’s blog nsubmission. It is definitely worth a read.”
Mark wrote: “Each Kondratieff cycle is hypothesised to have four nseasons: Spring (boom), Summer (expansion), Autumn (stagnation) and nWinter: ‘Economy in the throes of a debilitating depression that tears nthe social fabric of society, as the gulf between the dwindling number nof “haves” and the expanding number of “have-nots” increases ndramatically.’ Adherents of Kondratieff analysis say we are in the nWinter phase of the 5th Kondratieff.”
While Mark described this Winter phase as a “depressing time of neconomic slow-down, entrenched social inequality, political instability nand imminent ecological catastrophe”, he also struck a more optimistic nnote.
In dedicating his award to the 1920s Russian economist Nicolai Kondratieff (the only known economist to die by firing squad), Mark said: “The 6thnKondratieff wave is the first human-centred cycle driven by radical ninnovations that can more squarely and visibly benefit people and nplanet.
“Financial innovation is very much part of this watershed moment.n It calls for long-term, responsible investment and hence I am delightedn that a pension investment audience has recognised the relevance of thisn thinking.”
The judges praised the blog for its “extremely educational and noriginal angle”. They said it was “making the case for sustainable ninvesting and summing up how critical pension funds and particularly nlocal authority pension funds could be”.
Another judge said nthat Mark’s blog offered “a refreshing angle compared with other Covid-19 related economic forecasts that he had seen through the course nof the year”.
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